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Our mission is to keep you safe. Oversii Security strives to provide the best human capital and technology in order to maximize property values and mitigate risk.
Historical Stats on Company
2006 inception date, over 13 years in business, servicing public and private communities
11 highly researched, close knit, trained patrolmen, deep background and situational tests analyzed during interview
13 marked vehicles w/ LED lights surrounding to assist in safety and data illumination
100% compliant, including most recent law 8/6/16, A.R.S. 33-1242(B) and 33-1803 (C), House Bill: HB2106
Reinvestment into proprietary software with technology releases every 6 months, higher benefit, same cost

Market Validation
225 properties in contract with 72 different management companies, conducting security, compliance, and parking enforcement patrols
98.5% annual retention of client contracts, year after year healthy yet conservative growth
91% annual retention of employees, least amount of experience of a patrolman is 1.5 years
Marketing budgets less than 2% of gross revenues since inception, year to year increase in properties and sales, new contracts originate 75% of the time as referrals
Data Disclosure / Security
Complete access to data collected, including database citations, pictures, video, audio, historical
GPS mapping outlining each street patrolled at a property when a patrol is completed
Multiple logins provided, property managers and HOA boards (if desired)
256 bit encryption, SSL certificates on all URLs
3rd party merchant protection

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